Blogging the 61st Grammys Category 81 – Best Classical Compendium

Award to the Artist(s) and to the Album Producer(s) and Engineer(s) of over 51% playing time of the album, if other than the artist.

GOLD – The King’s Singers

The first nominated ‘Compendium’ here, featuring compisitions by a one Mr. Fuchs, is a mixed bag. The Piano Concerto is lively and rhythmic, modern and atonal, but I didn’t hate it. In fact, I made it through listening to it twice. The second time was by accident; I didn’t mean to listen to the entire thing. While I was sitting here MAKING BLOG I had a banking issue to tend to, and before I knew it the whole thing had played again. The bank was very fast at sending me the confirmation email.

The second piece on this ‘compendium’ is a vocal piece. Judging from the titles “Prologue: Ethereal: Time Slips Away” and “Sisters – Forever Gone – The Retreat” it’s a real downer. I did not listen to this piece twice.

The third piece is credited to D.J. Sparr, and I secretly hoped it was a guy standing behind some EDM gear wearing big mouse ears or a glowing smiley face. On further thought, I figure this is just someone named D.J. This was my favorite of the ‘compendium,’ as it features swirly orchestral gauze with Sonic Youth electric guitar over top. RADIKAL! DYFFERENT! Actually, pretty neat. Sounds like Brooklyn.

The last piece, “Rush,” features some lonely saxaphone and orchestral noodling. It ain’t no D.J. Sparr!

Next up, a seventy-track ‘compendium’ from The King’s Singers. All I really knew from them going into this are the Beatles covers album. Looks like I made it through the entire seventy tracks on my first lap through these nominees, and four of the tracks earned a ‘thumbs-up’ from yours truly. The pieces I flagged were a Palestrina (“Sicut cervus“), a Toby Hession (“Master of Music“), an Eric Whitacre (“This Marriage“), and a Juan Vasquez (“Lagrimas de mi consuelo“) piece. If you enjoy vocal music lise I do, give this one a listen. It’s a lot to digest at once time – I got through because I am travelling a lot and this stuff makes wandering through airports and ethereal experience. In your face, Brian Eno!

The next nominee, The John Adams Edition, does not appear to be available for streaming. However, I did find a promotional video on the record label’s website that features some nice footage of Mr. Adams walking around in a North Face jacket. The music sounds pretty neat – and it must be important, because in the video a man with a German accent says John Adams is the most important living composer or something. Check out the video here.

Now we arrive at the next nominated ‘compendium,’ John Williams At the Movies from The Dallas Winds. This will win the Grammy, beacause of the name recognition. Some big ones are here; the NBC Olympics Theme™, Star Wars, Superman, E.T. – but where the hell is the NBC Nightly News Theme? Well, maybe there’ll be a Volume Two!

I’m not clear on what designates something a ‘compendium,’ because the next nominee is merely the Toronto Symphony doing some Vaughan Williams. The release is not on streaming services – however there are a few youtube snippets I have linked to in the list above. I think I would like this if I could hear it.




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